Thursday, March 31, 2011

Count to Ten - Karen Rose

From Barnes and Noble:

In all his years in the Chicago Fire Department, Lieutenant Reed Solliday ahs never experienced anything like this recent outbreak of house fires - devastating, vicious and in one case, homicidal. He has another problem - his new partner, Detective Mia Mitchell. She's brash, bossy, and taking the case in a direction he never imagined.
Mia's instincts tell her the arsonist is making this personal. And as the infernos become more deadly, one look at the victims' tortured faces convinces her and Reed that they must work closer to catch the killer. With each new blaze, the villain ups the ante, setting firetraps for the people Reed and Mia love. The truth is almost too hot to handle: This monster's desire for death and destruction is unquenchable ... and for Mia he's started the countdown to an early grave.

So, this is the first book quite like this I have read. It was long, but I love a long book as long as the characters and plot are developing. I took a liking to this book. I liked all the good guys. I loved Beth, she had such a strong character and the mystery around her sneaking out was great.
I liked watching the plot unfold and although I knew early on who it was, the why unfolded nicely.
I liked Mia, I liked Reed and I liked them together. I like the way they developed and I loved the way Rose let you see the struggle with the two.
Overall I did like this book. It wasn't my favorite all time book, but I will (and in fact am) read Karen Rose again.
I briefly looked through her book shelf and like that she has series and several books that are not quite series, but do intertwine.

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