Saturday, January 14, 2012

Hello there!

So last year I totally sucked at updating the book blog. I am going to New Year's Resolution this thing and get it back up and running.
I'll start by linking you to my latest review, American Sniper. It's a great book and I apparently had alot to say about it!

Anywho, I wanted to give you a few resources that I use quite a bit when it comes to picking books.

Fantastic Fiction is a Fantastic resource. Don't be put off by the look of the site. It lacks that professional look in the design. In fact the first few times that I used it I was a bit put off and scared that the info wasn't correct because of how the site feels. Get.over.that. At the library, I used this site all day, every day. Let me tell you a few things I love about it.
First of all it has every author that I have ever had to look up. Seriously, I cannot remember ever looking up someone and they weren't in that database. Each person has a page and it does a little blurb about them. Then you have the books this person has written. Each book also has a page. Then at the bottom of the author page if gives you a list of authors that this author recommends AND a list of authors that read similar to that author.
The main reason that I use this site is that they have an up-to-date and correct list of the order you read books in a series. That was a big hassle at the library, which book you read first in a series. Fantastic Fiction is my go to place for this. I choose that even over the author's website, here's why. On most author website's they list their books in order of publication. That is not always the order in which you should read the series. Something like the Silence of the Lamb series. You don't watch those in the order they were made because the LAST one is actually the beginning. That's why I use FF for the series listing. I can get lost all day on this site.

Baker and Taylor is the company that we used to order books. I know that there are other companies out there, but this is the one that I'm most familiar with. They put out tons of magazine's each month to keep you up to date on what's going on in the book world. You can look at these magazine's online :) The link that I sent you to is to their magazine Forecast. That is the magazine that will generally give you the main stream fiction and non fiction. This let's you see what debut authors are causing a stir and what new things your favorite's are working on. This magazine is generally what I use to make out my "To Be Read" list.

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