Friday, April 29, 2011

Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader by Neil Gaimen et all

From Barnes and Noble:
Best-selling author Neil Gaiman (THE SANDMAN) joins a murderer's row of talented artists in lending his unique touch to the Batman mythos for this Deluxe Edition hardcover! Spotlighting the story "Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader?" from BATMAN #685 and DETECTIVE COMICS #852 in which Gaiman joins artist Andy Kubert and inker Scott Williams for a story that shines a new light on the Batman mythos. Also collects Gaiman stories from SECRET ORIGINS #36, SECRET ORIGINS SPECIAL #1 and BATMAN BLACK AND WHITE #2. This collection is not to be missed!

The New York Times - George Gene Gustines

Its title story, written by Neil Gaiman and illustrated by Andy Kubert, imagines several variations of Batman's death. This anthology, published by DC Comics, also includes other stories by Mr. Gaiman about the millionaire Bruce Wayne's famous alter ego. The other tales are very good, but "Whatever Happened to ..." packs enough emotional punch to stand solo.

So, as part of my book group I went out on a limb. This is my very first go with a graphic novel. I went in with an open mind (I think). The goal of the book group was for us to read things that we would not normally read. To be more well rounded readers.
Now, I cannot lie, I know absolutely NOTHING about Batman. The super heroes and comics never held any appeal to me. So this book may mean something completely different for someone else.
I loved the premise. There have been multiple writers and illustrators for the Batman series over the years. They each had their own feel and look. The Neil Gaimen and Andy Kubert did a fantastic job of working in all the various Batman's that have evolved through time. I loved that they brought together all the different styles.
I also though that it was rather neat that they had Batman listening in on his own funeral. That he got to hear it all.
I thought that it was also nifty that each person in attendance had their own version of what happened.
I did not however like the ending. I just cannot believe that they would play off of Good Night Moon for Batman of all characters.
Seriously, "Good Night Bat Signal" For Real?!?!
Anywho, I can now say that I have read a graphic novel. It wasn't painful. It was however at times confusing, but I guess you would just get used to that.
I think it would have been easier for me to have read a graphic novel that I wasn't plunking right down in the end, with no prior knowledge, but I made do.

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