Friday, February 25, 2011

The Midnight Hour by Karen Robards

From Barnes and Noble:
Karen Robards offers up another superb romantic suspense novel, with a slight touch of supernatural. The Midnight Hour is one of her best! Grace Hart is a single mother and a juvenile- and family-court judge in Bexley, Ohio -- and her daughter, Jessica, has gotten out of control. When Jessica goes into what might be diabetic shock, hunky Tony Marino thinks Grace should practice what she preaches as a family-court judge. But there's more to what's going on than either Grace or Tony realize. Someone is stalking Jessica and breaking into Grace's home.
So it's official, this book made the decision for me. I'm not a Karen Robards fan. For me the only likeable character in this book was Tony. It's good that I liked him, as he was the hero, but what about the rest of them. I didn't like Grace. She was not a strong character. She was whiny (which I hate) and not very well put together. I like to see a person change somewhat through a book. I like them to learn and become better people right before my eyes. This was not so. I didn't like Jessica, she was a brat. She did do some turning around right at the end of the book but not soon enough for me to see a big heart wrenching moment. The story line was good. What she was going for had the potential to be really good, we just never got there. It was an ok book. It was fairly quick. It's not like it was painful to read and it was tied up nice and tidy. But I would rather read a great, or even good book than just an ok one.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Winnie the Pooh by AA Milne

I read Winnie for my book club. I must first say that I didn't really read as a child. The library wasn't a place that was familiar to me. I didn't come into my love of reading until I was in college, so children's books are pretty unfamiliar to me. I had a great time reading Winnie. I don't remember ever going through the Pooh phase, so most of this was new to me. I know all the main players, but nothing about story lines.
There were so many great quotes in here! I know that I'll keep this book and use it in the future.
I must say that I'm looking forward to reading Winnie the Pooh to my future kiddies. I got the whole volume with the rest of the Pooh books. I haven't read them yet, but I will.

Bait by Karen Robards

From Barnes and Noble:
It’s a business trip that takes attorney Maddie Fitzgerald down to New Orleans, but it’s hardly business as usual when a man breaks into her hotel room and tries to kill her. Barely escaping with her life, the sexy, stylish thirty-two-year-old brunette calls the police and finds herself face-to-face with FBI agent Sam McCabe. Unnerved by his questions — and his good looks — Maddie is told she’s been targeted by a hired killer, one who has eluded McCabe for years. Apparently, she’s been mistaken for another woman, an FBI informant of the same name who was also staying at the hotel that night. McCabe grills her, and then disappears. Shaken, she finishes her business and returns home to St. Louis.
But days later, Maddie is attacked a second time, and again McCabe returns to question her. He convinces her that the only way she’ll ever be safe again is if the killer is caught, and the quickest way to nab him is to use her as bait. Maddie reluctantly agrees, and sparks fly and then ignite as McCabe shadows her. But their unexpected romance throws McCabe off his stride — and puts Maddie in the hands of a killer.
This was my second Karen Robards book. I did not like it as much as Ghost Moon. It was kind of slow for me. It took a long time for you to see everything. It took a long time for the story to pull itself together. I still have another book by her on the nook and I'll read it, but I was a little disappointed in this on. After you finally got going it was over. I like the good parts to last a little longer. Once we finally get to the "chase" scene, they are still mad at each other and's over. It was ok, not alot of suspense in my opinion though.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Ghost Moon - Karen Robards

From Barnes and Noble:
Nine years after leaving in disgrace, Olivia Morrison is coming home again with her eight-year-old, Sara, to put things right with the Archer clan. But there is no welcome for the prodigal daughter at the lavish Louisiana estate.
Her stepcousin, Seth, once her only comfort, is icy, dangerously attractive — and engaged. Her formidable stepgrandfather collapses with a heart attack at the sight of her, gasping her dead mother’s name: “Selena!”
The bayou echoes with memories of her mother’s mysterious death. Suicide by drowning, they said. But Olivia’s terrifying nightmares suggest another story. She is determined to learn the truth, and to face a newly ignited passion for Seth, who is too close for comfort, despite his vows.
When a new danger threatens her and her daughter, Olivia must find the courage to confront her old demons ... and uncover a shocking secret buried in the long-forgotten past....

This is my first Karen Robards book. It reminded me ALOT of Carolina Moon by Nora Roberts. I liked the build. I was mad at Seth for a long time, but suspected the "bad guy" early on. I liked Olivia alot. I loved to see her work through things and justify things. I liked the girls alot too. Their relationship was fun to watch. I did struggle with Mallory for a while. She was very underdeveloped and seemed to just kind of fade away. I loved David and Keith. I was not expecting Aunt Callie to die and Big John to live. I would have like to have seen how that reunion went. I wonder did he apologize to Livvy or just let it go? Overall I liked my first Karen Robards book. I have downloaded two more in fact!

Wild Man Creek - Robyn Carr

Cover Image
 From Barnes and Noble:
Colin Riordan came to Virgin River to recuperate from a horrific helicopter crash, the scars of which he bears inside and out. His family is wonderfully supportive, but it's his art that truly soothes his troubled soul. Stung personally and professionally by an ill-advised affair, PR guru Jillian Matlock has rented an old Victorian with a promising garden in Virgin River. She's looking forward to cultivating something other than a corporate brand.
Both are looking to simplify, not complicate, their lives, but when Jillian finds Colin at his easel in her yard, there's an instant connection. And in Virgin River, sometimes love is the simplest choice of all….
This one was one of my favorite's. Colin is the brother to three previous heroes. And Jill just stumbled upon the River on a girls trip. I like Colin alot. He's struggling with several things that are legitamate struggles. I love what Jill does with the garden. I loved watching that unfold. I did think that it toke FOREVER for Denny to just come out and say his business. I was disappointed when he left, but he came back and I'm sure we'll see him again. I love that Colin paints. I was so good to see a man in a book with an artists soul that wasn't a pansy. I liked these two and I liked them together. I liked how it ended because they both got what the needed. I'm ready for the next one!!

Promise Canyon - Robyn Carr

From Barnes and Noble:
After years spent on ranches around Los Angeles, Clay Tahoma is delighted to be Virgin River's new veterinary assistant. The secluded community's wild beauty tugs at his Navajo roots, and he's been welcomed with open arms by everyone in town—everyone except Lilly Yazhi. Lilly has encountered her share of strong, silent, traditional men within her own aboriginal community, and she's not interested in coming back for more. In her eyes, Clay's earthy, sexy appeal is just an act used to charm wealthy women like his ex-wife. She can't deny his gift for gentling horses, but she's not about to let him control her. There's just one small problem—she can't control her attraction to Clay.
But in Virgin River, faith in new beginnings and the power of love has doors opening everywhere.…

As I have said before, I like Robyn Carr. I loved how these two characters even from the background of their story were two halves. I find the characters real and the decisions they make real. I like that everything was tied in a neat little bow with her doing the traditional clothing. I loved her Grandfather, he was great. This story, while a Virgin River book, brought in new people. We saw all our friends from previous book, but really only in passing. I like the folks from the previous book, so I was a little disappointed in this. But it was necessary because these two are not a part of the main Virgin River crowd. I think that was nicely done.

Ice - Linda Howard

From the back cover:
’Tis the season for mistletoe and holly, Santa . . . and suspense. And the gift that keeps on giving is Ice: premier thriller author Linda Howard’s breathless tale of a man, a woman, and a battle for survival against an unforgiving winter–and an unrelenting killer. Oh what fun it is to read.

Gabriel McQueen has only just arrived home on holiday leave from the service when his county-sheriff father sends him back out again with new marching orders. A brewing ice storm, and a distant neighbor who’s fallen out of contact, have the local lawman concerned. So he enlists Gabriel to make the long haul to the middle of nowhere, and make sure Lolly Helton is safe and sound. It’s a trip the younger McQueen would rather not make given the bitter winter weather–and the icy conditions that have always existed between him and Lolly.

But there’s no talking back when your dad is the town’s top cop. And there’ s no turning back when night falls just as Gabriel arrives–and discovers that the weather outside isn’t the only thing that’s frightful. Spotting strangers in Lolly’ s home–one of them packing a weapon–is all it takes to kick Gabriel into combat mode. And his stealth training is all he needs to extract Lolly from the house without alerting her captors. But when the escape is discovered, the heat–and the hunt–are on. And the winter woods are nowhere to be once the ice storm touches down, dropping trees, blocking roads, and trapping the fleeing pair in the freezing dark.

So, I like Linda Howard's suspense novels. I have not tried the historical. Most of the other books that I have read by her have been much longer. I would not consider this a novella, but it was much shorter than most of hers. As a result the characters were a little less developed and the plot line was a little iffy. I thought it was good. I would have liked a little more I think. I would have liked to see a little more From Lolly and Gabriel, but their "crisis" was over. I'm not really sure I find their romance real. I like to think that after I'm done reading a book that the romance will continue on without me. I didn't really feel that with these two. But it was a pleasant read!

Friday, February 11, 2011

A Reliable Wife - Robert Goolrick

Barnes and Noble synopsis
He placed a notice in a Chicago paper, an advertisement for "a reliable wife." She responded, saying that she was "a simple, honest woman." She was, of course, anything but honest, and the only simple thing about her was her single-minded determination to marry this man and then kill him, slowly and carefully, leaving her a wealthy widow, able to take care of the one she truly loved.
What Catherine Land did not realize was that the enigmatic and lonely Ralph Truitt had a plan of his own. And what neither anticipated was that they would fall so completely in love.
Filled with unforgettable characters, and shimmering with color and atmosphere, A Reliable Wife is an enthralling tale of love and madness, of longing and murder.
My two cents:
Yikes! I think that would be my synopsis in one word. There were various things in this book that disturbed me. Maybe not "disturbed" so much as bothered me.
It bothered me that 90% of the book took place in someone's mind. There was very little that actually happened "real time." Most of the book was set in one of the three main character's mind. That was different for me.
I totally get that this was a gothic novel. But, this too bothered me as I am not so much a gothic kind of girl. Now don't get me wrong, I loved Rebecca and Jane Eyre, but this book is no Jane Eyre.
I did however find it nifty that it FELT like this book was written in Charlotte Bronte's time. This is, I believe Robert Goolrick's first novel. I was very moved by the way he writes. His ability to describe is outstanding. He uses language very effectively, and I was very impressed by how he MADE the novel feel like it was 1908.
The way he wove the storyline was also very interesting. The many turns were much needed in this book that happened in the minds of crazies.
Although it was a HUGE part of the storyline, I did not like how everyone in this book viewed sex. That was very disturbing. In fact, on several occasions I thought to myself, "This cat's going to be on the evening news." It was very blatant and I found myself several times wanting to stop reading because of it.
I read this book because my book club picked it as the Jan. read. If not for the fact that I am supposed to be able to discuss it intelligently, I would probably not have finished it. Hopefully after the discussion I will have a richer view on the book. Because taking it at face value didn't really take me anywhere.

Virgin River Series - Robyn Carr

So instead of reviewing each book, as I'm on the last one, I'll just review the whole series.

This is a series of 10 (currently) book set in a super small town called (you guessed it) Virgin River.
It starts with (one more time) Virgin River, and I'm on the last one (for now) Moonlight Road.
Each book has a main couple that you're following, but each book has mutliple story lines going on as well. You meet lots of people, and in some books there is a suspense line going along with it.

I went into this series thinking that Robyn Carr was a christian fiction author. She is not. But that's not to say that she's trashy either. I have really enjoyed this series. There's just enough of everything. I really like the people. Usually by the tenth book in any series I'm just plain tired of the folks and am ready for it to be over. But, these people are genuinly likeably. I found out that there are 3 more books coming after the first of the year, which I'm quite excited about it.

I like the way that Carr uses words. She weaves a great story. I'm glad that I've found her. I look forward to reading other books by her!

A Kiss For Cade - Lori Copeland

On the back cover:
Famous bounty hunter Cade Kolby is forced off the trail to decide the fate of his late sister’s orphaned children. He’s not just returning to his hometown and nieces and nephews, but also to the fiery redhead he loved and left 17 years ago.
The last person Zoe Bradshaw wants to see is Cade. She tries to be cool and polite, even as the attraction between them flares up again. Only this time, Zoe is determined to not let Cade get close to her heart.
But the townsfolk have other ideas. They want to see the little orphans with a mother and a father, and they form a plan that includes the possibility of a kiss...

I'm a sucker for a story about the hero leaving the heroine and then having to make it up to her when he comes back. I am also always on the market for a christian fiction book that doesn't point out all my flaws.

This book did both. It's historical, and usually folks either love it or hate it. I like historical. That's not all I read, but I do enjoy a good historical especially if I feel like I've learned something or other. I didn't really feel like I learned anything, it was definately a light read.

I had never read Lori Copeland before. I believe I will like her, she reminds me alot of Lori Wick. Overall this book was a great light read. It was quick and had a happy ending, and that is important to me in a book. I recommend!

Susan Mallery Bundle

One of the things that I like most about my nook is that they run deals. You can buy a "bundle" and get several book for a cheaper rate. And cheaper is my kind of party. I like Susan Mallery alot. This bundle was the "Millionaire" bundle.
I was asked a while back what my favorite type book is. I had to think a while about this, but finally decided on romantic suspense. Because I think all stories should have a happy ending (romantic) and I like a little more going on in my books than just love (suspense).
Now this bundle had three books. But we're only counting it as one for the challenges because they were all rather short. Coming up at 329 pages all together.
Anywho, like I said, I love Susan Mallery. She has just the right proportion of everything. I like for the hero to do something really really stupid, and then make up for it in a really really big way. She does this everytime.
My mood tends to be affected by whatever book I'm reading. So I need the sad/bad part to happen quick and get better. She does this.

Scent of Jasmine - Jude Deveraux

Deveraux adds a delightful historical romance to her Edilean series when Catherine “Cay” Harcourt from Virginia visits her godfather T. C. in Charleston. Her family hobnobs with the likes of Thomas Jefferson as T. C. convinces her to help rescue a condemned prisoner on her way to a ball. Scottish immigrant Alex McDowell is a self-made man who thought he had many friends in Charleston until his bride was found dead the morning after the ceremony. All Alex knows is that he was drugged. When Cay arrives with a horse for Alex, the two escape together when the rescue goes awry. Keeping to his original plan of joining an expedition in the wilds of Florida, they travel only as fast as the news of the escape, forcing Cay to don boy’s clothes and pretend to be Alex’s brother. As love blooms, their future looks bleak unless they can find out what really happened to Alex’s wife. Deveraux creates an involving tale that will appeal to old and new fans. --Patty Engelmann
Apparently I'm in a historical kind of mood lately. I think it's because I think of cowboys when I think of Cav Scouts :) Anywho, this was a fun books. Cay's humor was quite up my alley. I liked the premise, I liked where it went. I loved the way they made up, it was all around good. It was a quick read, it was enjoyable. This is my second Jude Deveraux book and I think I'll try her some more. It was pleasant.

Book Review - Talk of the Town

Talk of the Town by Karen Hawkins. From Barnes and Noble
Do Blondes Have More Fun?
Newly divorced Roxie Treymayne is dying to find out. After years of being the perfect Southern lady, all she ended up with was a cheating husband. So she goes bombshell blond, gets a provocatively placed tattoo, and prepares to live it up as a Bad Girl. But then her mother falls ill...and Roxie is forced to return to Glory, North Carolina.
He'd Love to Know.
Once the town bad boy, Nick Sheppard is now Glory's highly respected sheriff. When the hot blonde he stops for speeding turns out to be formerly prim Homecoming Queen Roxanne Treymayne, Nick doesn't quite know where to look — though he'd like a much closer one at the tattoo peeking from her shorts.
But It Takes Two to Tango.
Roxie and Nick had a steamy fling in high school, but a love affair between a Southern princess and a boy from the wrong side of the tracks was doomed from the start. Now they have a second chance. Can they get it right? Or will they just end up...the talk of the town?
I'm not really sure how I got this book. It sort of wondered on to my desk at work and so I read it. It was cute. I just loved the Murder Mystery Club at the old folks home. This book made for some laughs and it was a quick read. I would definately read her again. All the folks were likeable and there was just enough mystery/suspense in there for me to enjoy.
Overall I thought it was cute and enjoyed it quite a bit!

Book Review - Call Me Irresistible

From Barnes and Noble

R.S.V.P. to the most riotous wedding of the year . . .
Lucy Jorik is the daughter of a former United States president.
Meg Koranda is the offspring of legends.
One of them is about to marry Mr. Irresistible—Ted Beaudine—the favorite son of Wynette, Texas. The other is not happy about it and is determined to save her friend from a mess of heartache.
But even though Meg knows that breaking up her best friend's wedding is the right thing to do, no one else seems to agree. Faster than Lucy can say "I don't," Meg becomes the most hated woman in town—a town she's stuck in with a dead car, an empty wallet, and a very angry bridegroom. Broke, stranded, and without her famous parents at her back, Meg is sure she can survive on her own wits. What's the worst that can happen? Lose her heart to the one and only Mr. Irresistible? Not likely. Not likely at all . . .

I just love Susan Elizabeth Phillips. I love her heroine's. They are very real to me. I love the way she makes you feel exactly what the good girl's feeling. If she's humilitated, you are. If she's frustrated, you are. She did a great job this time around making you FEEL everything. When Meg was just getting one beat down after another I was just feeling all of it. I stayed up until 3 a.m. finishing this book. It's been a while since I've had one of those. It was great, I just loved her earlier books and this one did not disappoint!