Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Protector by Dee Henderson

From Barnes and Noble:
"Jack O'Malley is a fireman who is fearless when it comes to facing an inferno. But when an arsonist begins targeting his district, his shift, his friends, Jack faces the ultimate challenge: protecting the lady who saw the arsonist before she pays an even higher price.
Introducing the O'Malleys, an inspirational group of seven, all abandoned or orphaned as teens, who have made the choice to become a loyal and committed family. They have chosen their own surname, O'Malley, and have stood by each other through moments of joy and heartache. Their stories are told in CBA best-selling, inspirational romantic suspense novels that rock your heart and restore strength and hope to your spirit.  "

I like books with firefighters. They are a group of people like none other. Henderson has done a great job of grasping how the fire industry works. She did a great job of getting the general feel that you feel around the fire family.
I had been looking forward to meeting Jack. I totally get the person that most people don't take very seriously. He uses his humor to defuse situations that would normally be painful or stressful.
I liked Cassie alot. She is just getting over the physical part of a fire accident. She's been struggling with the emotional part too. But whereas Jack struggles with faith, Cassie does not.
As she has been doing this series, Henderson has tackled with different reasons why the character's don't believe. Instead of just going with a generic "I don't believe," she has had these characters struggle with specific reasons behind their lack of belief. I really like that.
Yes, it's fiction. But I learn alot from fiction. I take some small piece with me from every book I read. These books have been full of scripture and real like instances that I feel like I've learned from.
I feel like after reading them I am a better witness. I can better answer questions because of them.

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